Sunday, January 25, 2009


Or maybe cos we're so sad. As of Friday night BWO for 09 is officially over. ='(
Its kinda funny. After big week out, whenever someone has said 'why?' in the past 48 hoursish... i always seem to respond by screaming 'COS WE'RE SO HAPPY!' I guess thats what you get for singing the happy song multiple times lol.
Friday at bwo was great. We had a mini service in the morning, followed by small groups followed by the end of that service followed by lunch. After lunch we headed out to our various events, this time in big groups rather than small ones, as most of us were going to one of a few schools and they were huge jobs.
My group for friday was awesome (sorry those of you who werent there, youre all awesome too :P). Myself, Simone, Lauren, Ben and this guy we met whose name was Ryan (he likes Jane Austen and he is totally awesome just in case youre interested), and occassionally Joel. We were painting toilets lol. Which may not sound fun. But was sooooooo much fun.
Hanging out, getting green paint all over our bwo shirts and (in my case anyway) daggy pants (sorry to lauren whose pants were new =P) not to mention the war paint we all ended up with on our faces, the crosses painted onto our arms and the various other paint that was just EVERYWHERE! (it took forever to get it all out of my hair)
And singing. Loudly. And badly. And annoyingly. It was fun. lol.
Before heading back to base for another service, during which we were invited to share what the week had meant for us, how it had affected us. It was great hearing from other people what this week had meant for them, people i'd known for a long time, or those i was just getting to know through the course of the week.
We had dinner, pie floaters. Which for those of you who dont know, is a meat pie in pea soup topped with tomato sauce. Yeah, just the thought of such an awful combination makes me feel sick. So i opted just for the pie, on account of the fact that i'm a rather an unadventurous person lol. It takes me forever to work up the courage to try something new, as some of you know all too well.
We then had an end of week party. Which was fun. Seeing as aside from when they played a good song, we mostly stayed outside. And hung out with a whole bunch of people who we had met over the course of the week. Lol, Joel and I were standing in front of the play ground, were ben sat on the tubey thing in the middle surrounded by everyone (all his minions, groupies, admirers, and various other followers =P). And Joel and I are just standing there talking, looking up whenever someone says something. And its so funny, Joel just going on and on about how he has an awkward veiw. It took me ages to work out what he meant, as every time he looked up, he came face to face with a rather... err... interesting veiw of Ben. If you catch my drift.
Anyway, it was a pretty great night. And keeping the smile of any of our faces would have been a pretty hard task.
Oh, and one more thing, Leader Ben dancing to Barbie Girl. One of the funniest things i've ever seen. lol.
Leish xox
--we must go stepping forward keep us from just singing move us into action we must go--


lovereigno'erme said...

Ben was so popular over bwo, lol.

Cindy said...

indeed he was. All of his love triangles.

Poor Joel is going to be so disappointed when he discovers recent developments =P

shootingatspiders said...

i (L) nanna ben.
I know you mean other ben, but nanna is just so gorgeous.
And I've never seen a nanna crump before XD

PS confli

lovereigno'erme said...

epic lol.

though recent developements probably wont get out to joel.



Cindy said...

No, recent developments wont get out to joel until like six months frm now :P

And I was talking about Nanna Ben in my blog, hence i refered to him as "leader ben"


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