Tuesday, September 1, 2009

and i wished for things that i dont need, and what i chase won't set me free...

i'd like to believe that things get better. You know, that one day things wouldnt be quite so bad... maybe...
but maybe that is just wishful thinking.
i feel awful for the people affected by all of these tragedies... you know... the ones that happened over the weekend, today... all those that will ever happen. and thinking about how these things affects the people close to them... thinking about how death affects the people close to them... it just draws up old memories...
sorry, i probably sound selfish and like im turning other peoples problems around so that theyre all about me. thats not my intention.
im sorry. im so sorry you have to go through it. thats all....
i want to go to sleep. i can forget everything then... everything is safe when i'm asleep in his arms...
i wish...

-3 days-


shootingatspiders said...

I have only one thing to say to the end of the quote on the picture.
'you know'
'i know right!'


StormGirl53 said...

lol i know right? ...shuddup, im not that bad -shifty eyes-

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