sooooooooooooo we had a tourism excursion today. was relatively boring. lol. fun. but boring. at least until we got to lunch time. when we decided we wanted Chinese. me jac and lauren got a meal between the three of us (salt and pepper squid with a side of fried rice, spring rolls and satay chicken) and still didn't manage to finish it. anyway, we had fun. and then we went on a tour of the beach house. which for those of you who don't know is like a tiny water park. lol, seriously 4 slides, a 100 year old beautiful carousel, a ferris wheel, bumper cars, arcade games and bumper boats. anyway, the owner decided that we could all have a ride on the carousel and the bumper cars. which was fun.
but after the excursion was over me jac and lauren were still there and we decided to go on the bumper boats. which was soooooo fun. we were basically on these little boat things, and we like steered them with one joystick and squirted water with the other one. which was fun. cos we like chased each other around this little pool squirting water until all three of us were drenched and looked something like this :
of course, being the smart girls that we are, we went on the boats in our school uniform. which ended up drenched. along with us. what you cant tell from these photos is how wet we actually were. we were dripping. our clothes were stuck to our skin. our shoes were squelchy. our hair completely messed up. and yet none of cared. not even lauren (i know, im as amazed as you are :P). haha.
we had fun. for once. it was, for me at least, a bit of a release. lol, we ended up going to the reject shop and buying a towel and a 5 pack of undies just in case anyone is interested.
luckily thought, we brought a change of clothes cos we went out tonight too. to see a movie. and do some shoppping. and me and lauren and kel all bought a dress each. and i like mine. its pretty. im going to wear it tomorrow night. cos its pretty, and summery. and its going to be freaking 36 degrees!!! which sucks arse. cos i hate hot weather. except now i have my dress. so i shall wear that tomorrow night. and it will make me happy. anyway, below are some pics of us on the bus. -shrug- theyre up here cos we're cool and you all know it! haves a good night!
-32 days-
Clearly one of the most intelligent things I have ever said. That day was epic win for one liners. :P And he STILL didn't go away. I should have gone on to elaborate.
'I didn't realise I'd get so drenched... THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!'
'Oh my god I'm so wet... THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!'
'We just don't stop wetting each other... THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!'
You, me and Jacqui are hilarious.
it was so fun. we were so on a roll with the thats what she said cracks. lols.
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