Dear Cherry Blossoms,
You are pretty. I love you :D
Love Leish
Dear Warrior Essay,
Fuck you, I hate you. How dare you fuck up?
Fuck you,
Dear Simone,
Happy birthday
Love Leish
Dear Jess,
HappyBirthday also
Love Leish
Dear Today,
You suck, fuck you.
Burn in hell,
Dear Chocolate,
You saved my life. I love you...?
You're welcome at my place anytime,
Dear Dozen Bread Rolls,
I'm not really hungry, and truth be told I'm getting sick of carrying you around. I hope everyone else enjoys eating you and taking away your short tasty lives at lunch. I can't even eat you now.
So sick of you,
Dear Rain,
Where did you go?
Missing you,
Dear School Computers,
No idea why but you have randomly decided to unblock my blog! Yay! I love you!
Love love love love love, Leish.
Dear English Orals,
You are boring and evil. I am loving the fact that im avoiding listening to you because i did you Monday.
Love Leish.
Dear Depressing Music on my iPod,
You are perfectly suiting my mood today.
Love, Leish.
Dear Hole,
I am ready to crawl into you and die now.
Love Leish.
Definition of Family Institutions
*Definition of Family Institutions*
Family Institutions
See the Core List:
The family institution is the smallest social unit in a society consisting
of fat...
5 years ago
Dear Leisha,
Your blog is unblocked?! YAY!
Five bucks mine will be blocked.
I should really censor myself a bit more,
Lauren. xx
Dear Lauren,
I know, isn't it great?
And it probably will be huh? I just can't believe they unblocked mine. Besides, if you're going to post a sex scene, you do have to sort of expect them to block it right? :P
And you probably should, yes. But oh well, none of us mind at all lol.
Leisha. xx
Dear Leisha,
I am so glad to have friend's so understanding of my perverse inner nature. I don't expect the techie guys to agree, but, whatever, they smell.
Lauren. xx
Dear Lauren,
We have watched your transition from innocent to now, believe me we understand lol. And you're right. The techie guys do smell. After all, Nathaniel and Cooper are both techies... Lol.
Leisha. xx
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